No5 Barristers' Chambers - Excellence is at the heart of everything we do.

Sarah Slater

Call: 1996

Sarah Slater joined Chambers in January 2023, after working as a Crown Advocate in the East Midlands for over 15 years. She was regularly instructed by the East Midlands CCU and prosecuted serious offences including murder, attempted murder, multi-handed drugs offences, robbery and driving death cases.

She has appeared as both leading and as a led junior Counsel and is a Level 4 Prosecutor for the CPS.

Since joining Chambers she has successfully prosecuted a number of multi-handed trials as both leading and led Junior which have included instructions from West Midlands CCU.

She has also started to increase her defence practice and is looking to expand this further.



Sarah has extensive experience of dealing with complex cases, especially those involving multiple defendants and is meticulous in her preparation and during trial.

Notable Crime Cases

R v Darren Hall [2023]

instructed by East Midlands CPS as led Junior in the successful prosecution of Defendant who had murdered his ex-partner.

R v McDonagh and others [2023]

Instructed by West Midlands CCU as Leading Counsel in successful prosecution of 4 Defendants for conspiracy to commit burglary. They had committed over 54 burglaries over a short
period of time.

Operation Gallet [2021 to 2023]

Led Junior in prosecution of 10 defendants for conspiracy to supply cocaine. Trial in February – March 2022 for 3 Defendants. Prosecuted the 2 day sentence for 7 Defendants in late June 2022 as leading counsel was not available. Legal argument at
sentence in relation to categorisation of conspiracy and involvement of some Defendants.

Operation Rako [2020 – 2022]

Instructed by CCU East Midlands in Attempted Murder and Conspiracy to Possess Firearms with Intent

Led Junior Counsel in successful prosecution of 9 Defendants in total

EncroChat material involved and legal argument over admissibility.

Operation Halifax – 2018-2020 (CCU East Midlands)

Led Junior - in relation to 4 different conspiracies.

Sole prosecutor in relation to the individual dealers in operation designed to tackle significant use of synthetic cannabinoids in city centre by use of UCOs.

Largest conspiracy prosecuted involved 15 Defendants – 2 of those were directing operation from prison. After sentence - i nstructed

to provide Respondents’ Note for one Defendant who appealed sentence when Leading Counsel became ill in 2020. Appeared at Court of Appeal in November 2020 for Respondents – appeal dismissed.

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No5’s Sarah Slater successfully prosecuted Shazad Alam for causing the death of 12 year old Azaan Khan by dangerous driving

Sarah Slater was instructed by the CPS to prosecute Shazad Alam for causing the death of 12 year old Azaan Khan by dangerous driving. He initially…


Sarah Slater prosecutes Black Country attempted murder trial

Sarah Slater prosecuted a 5 day trial at W’ton CC in which Obdedulla Waffa was convicted unanimously by the jury on the 13th September 2024…

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  • Grade 4 Prosecutor

Related News, Resources and Events


No5’s Sarah Slater successfully prosecuted Shazad Alam for causing the death of 12 year old Azaan Khan by dangerous driving

Sarah Slater was instructed by the CPS to prosecute Shazad Alam for causing the death of 12 year old Azaan Khan by dangerous driving. He initially…


Sarah Slater prosecutes Black Country attempted murder trial

Sarah Slater prosecuted a 5 day trial at W’ton CC in which Obdedulla Waffa was convicted unanimously by the jury on the 13th September 2024…

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