The Public Law Group includes some of the leading practitioners in the country when it comes to bringing and defending challenges to the legality of actions by public bodies, both in the UK and abroad. Upholding civil liberties and human rights lies at the heart of everything we do, whether acting for the individual or the public body.
Administrative and Public Law covers a range of specialist work, reflecting the different ways in which the Government impacts on the lives of citizens. Our team has experts across this field. A common thread is that public bodies have defined purposes, limited powers and, importantly, duties to act fairly and reasonably in all their dealings with the public.
We advise and act for:
Our team provides sound and astute tactical advice helping our clients to navigate the, often complex, situations and the options that may arise in relation to representation within, or in a challenge to a public law decision-making that affects the client’s interests. We recognise the issues are always of considerable importance to our client and may have profound effects upon the lives of individuals, and sometimes in the development of the law.
Our barristers are experts in interpreting statutory schemes, understanding the limits of powers, advising on how public bodies are required to act to comply with their duties under the Human Rights Act 1998, data protection and information law, international conventions to which the United Kingdom is a party, and the important Public Sector Equality Duty under the Equality Act 2010.
We regularly appear in leading public law cases in the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, and the High Court. Our counsel are also briefed to appear regularly in specialist courts and tribunals, such as the Court of Protection, the First-Tier and Upper Tribunals and Coroner’s Courts, as well as in numerous other venues where key public law decisions are taken for example in education matters, professional discipline, or Parole Board hearings, to name but a few.
For details of the specialists within our Public and Administrative Law team, please follow the links below to subject areas or contact our group clerks for advice.
We also have practitioners with individual specialities within administrative law, as listed in the profiles of individual barristers. This includes a wide range of niche matters, such as representation in matters before the Contract Review Board of the Legal Aid Agency, public procurement, safeguarding matters, and discrimination in the provision of services and goods (often involving Equality Act 2010 duties). Please contact the public law clerks for more details.
Our dedicated and experienced clerking team provides 24-hour service, 365-days-a-year to arrange, where appropriate, for urgent advice and representation from members of the Public Law team, and prides itself on dealing with emergency orders and out-of-hours applications smoothly.
The third and final seminar will focus on challenging Parole Board decisions. It will comprehensively cover the latest developments in this area and provide an…
The second seminar will guide attendees through how to best represent their clients at oral hearings. This session will be split into two parts. In…
The first seminar in the series will guide attendees through all the required steps for applying for and preparing for an oral hearing. It is…
On 11 June 2024, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council advised His Majesty to allow the appeal against the conviction for the murder of…
The High Court has allowed the judicial review claim in R (Chiswick) v Secretary of State for Justice and the Parole Board [2024] EWHC 1223…
Yesterday, we held the second of our Prison Law Seminars from our London office alongside speakers from SL5 Legal. There is still time to register…
The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023, which regulate the procurement of most health care services in England, have not generated decided cases…
The third and final seminar will focus on challenging Parole Board decisions. It will comprehensively cover the latest developments in this area and provide an…
The second seminar will guide attendees through how to best represent their clients at oral hearings. This session will be split into two parts. In…
The first seminar in the series will guide attendees through all the required steps for applying for and preparing for an oral hearing. It is…
Successful claim brought by innocent couple left living for eight years with the uncertainty and anxiety of a police “Released Under Investigation” (RUI) status before…
On 22 January 2024 at the County Court at Plymouth, District Judge Leach held that the Parole Board was liable for delaying Mr Robert’s parole…
The Court has reduced the minimum term of imprisonment to be served from 35 to 32 years, having accepted the error of approach taken by…
The Prisons Handbook 2024 provides an invaluable resource for prisoners, prison staff and legal practitioners entering this area of work. It offers an exhaustive guide…
The Planning and Environment and Public Law Groups are delighted to welcome Daniel Henderson (Call:2021) to No5 Barristers’ Chambers. Before joining No5, Daniel worked as…
No5 Barristers’ Chambers is delighted to announce that Abid MAHMOOD has been awarded Barrister of the Year Award at the inaugural British Asian Professional Awards…
On 7 September 2023, in R (Ellis) v Secretary of State for Justice [2023] EWHC 2230 (Admin) the Administrative Court allowed a judicial review challenge…
David represented the Claimant in R (SA) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2023] EWHC 1787 (Admin), an important case where Mr Justice…