No5’s international human rights barristers are dedicated to advising and representing individuals who have legal problems which raise issues as to the implementation of human rights obligations in the domestic context as well as in the international setting.
Drawing on interdisciplinary experience and expertise, our members are able to deal with cases across a diverse range of fields which have at their core a strong human rights dimension or are primarily about the implementation of international human rights obligations.
These include issues relating to:
Members of the group have been involved in several important high profile cases and are actively involved in human rights activities outside of their work in a range of fields. They are expected to bring a high level of personal commitment to the protection of human rights.
The experienced clerking team for the human rights barristers’ is based principally at our London office and can be contacted on the chambers national number or the London office number (0207 420 7500).
On 23 November 2023, delivering the opinion in a fundamental rights case testing the very limits of EU legal order, Advocate General Ćapeta cites the…
Philip Dayle attended an expert meeting at Essex University Human Rights Centre on the Development of International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Control. Mr…
Manjit S. Gill QC chairs discussion of international human rights experts on the death penalty, apostasy, sexual immorality and religious freedoms. On Wednesday 1 October,…