Community Care

No5 Barristers’ Chambers has a highly-respected and experienced group of specialists working in the field of community care, advising and representing individuals and public bodies. Our team provides guidance and skilled advocacy at all levels, including in the higher courts.

We have experience of assisting in urgent matters including interim relief applications pursuing and responding to urgent care, accommodation and welfare issues.


The knowledge and experience of No5’s community care team extends to all aspects of this specialist area, meaning our barristers are able to represent in and advise upon all types of cases including:

  • Age assessments
  • Needs assessments and care and support plans under the Care Act 2014 and the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014;
  • Funding issues for social care and support;
  • Ordinary residence disputes;
  • Adequacy of accommodation, care and support, and services provided by local authorities to vulnerable and disabled persons;
  • Adequacy of accommodation, support, and services provided by the Home Office to asylum seekers.
  • Inquests arising from care settings and hospital admissions
  • Special educational needs, and child in care educational provision
  • Overlap with other practice areas and jurisdictions, including substantial Court of Protection expertise.


Members of Chambers can assist with all aspects of the court process, whether that is advising at a pre-action stage, advising on and drafting judicial review grounds or defences, or representing a party in the Administrative Court and subsequent appellate work.

Members also give advice and guidance on the lawfulness of decisions, policies, and consultations to both potential claimants who may wish to challenge and to public bodies at an early stage with a view to “judicial review proofing”.

Members are also instructed for local authorities in ordinary residence disputes as part of the dispute resolution procedure or as part of subsequent judicial review action.

Our team’s work often leads to reported cases at the forefront of the development and clarification of the law in this field.

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