BCC v M & F [2023]
Naomi (led by Kristina Brown) appeared in the High Court representing the mother whose children were in care proceedings. The M’s partner was found to have sexually abused M’s children.
Naomi Dean speclaises in Family law and is a leading children’s barrister, in both private and public law.
Naomi is frequently instructed on multi-day fact finds and final hearings. She is recognised by her peers and instructing solicitors as a star of the future. Naomi is frequently applauded for her attention to detail in cases, which means that every case she prepares is to the highest standard. She has exceptional interpersonal skills and is recognised as an outstanding advocate.
Naomi has built up a strong practice representing the local authority in complex public law proceedings and is highly regarded by her peers, judges and instructing solicitors in this area.
Naomi regularly appears in the High Court, and in very serious children act cases.
Naomi has developed an extremely busy children law practice over the past few years, in both private and public law. She is frequently instructed on multi-day fact finds and final hearings. She is recognised by her peers and instructing solicitors as a star of the future. Naomi is frequently applauded for her attention to detail in cases, which means that every case she prepares is to the highest standard. She has exceptional interpersonal skills and is recognised as an outstanding advocate.
For example, within the last twelve months she has been instructed on cases involving the following issues: cases where a child had been killed by the mother, cases of sexual abuse, cases where the parents lack capacity and the Official Solicitor has been instructed; cases involving serious allegations of non- accidental injuries to a child; cases where fabricated illness has been a live issue before the Court; finding of fact hearings involving allegations of sexual abuse of a child; and cases involving deprivation of liberty safeguards in respect of children.
Naomi has also built up a strong parent practice within public law proceedings, alongside her local authority practice. She has represented parents with significant learning disabilities at final and interim hearings. In a recent multi-day final hearing she challenged the local authority extensively about the lack of support they had provided to her client, referring in detail to the case law and regulations and criticising the local authority for not exercising their duties in accordance with the law and regulations. She was recognised by the judge for her “painstaking analysis” of the case and that her client could not have been “better represented”, which was recorded within the written judgment.
Naomi has also been instructed on a 10-day final hearing for the local authority in a complex private law matter involving jurisdictional elements.
Naomi wishes to progress her public law work further and has a particular interest in developing her practice in cases involving medical evidence and NAIs.
Naomi is very experienced in private children cases. She is experienced in acting for parents, children, and members of the extended family in all aspects of private-law disputes. Naomi prides herself on her ability to build a strong rapport with clients from the outset; giving straightforward and practical advice to help the situation that the individual family member finds themselves in.
Naomi has recently been instructed in cases with issues including the following issues:
Naomi (led by Kristina Brown) appeared in the High Court representing the mother whose children were in care proceedings. The M’s partner was found to have sexually abused M’s children.
Naomi (led by Kristina Brown) represented the child in these very complex proceedings where the child’s sibling had been killed by his mother.
Naomi represented the local authority in public law proceedings at a multi-day (five day) finding of fact hearing in respect of two serious fractures: a fracture to the child’s left clavicle and a linear fracture to the left side parietal bone. The expert paediatrician and radiologist disagreed as to whether the injury was non-accidental or not. This required extensive cross-examination of both experts; a high level of understanding of medical injuries/concepts, and the ability to understand complex medical jargon. This was particularly challenging: cross-examination of medical experts in this manner is often done by counsel who are around 10+ years’.
Naomi successfully represented the local authority at this multi-day (four day) final hearing. The local authority recommended a special guardianship order to be made for the child to live with the maternal grandmother. The matter was complex due to the plethora of evidence, the issues in the case and the number of witnesses required. The court heard evidence from an expert psychologist which required careful and complex cross-examination of the psychologist. The papers were in excess of 1200 pages; there was a plethora of medical and police evidence, which required careful case analysis and close scrutiny.
Naomi represented the local authority throughout this 10-day final hearing which took place as a hybrid hearing. This required knowledge of Brussels II and the working arrangements of the local Polish local authority and the Polish courts. There was an additional complicating factor due to the British exit from the European Union which was scheduled for the 31st of December 2020. Therefore, for the Court to utilise Brussels II, the decision had to be made and the plans approved prior to this date.
Naomi represented a local authority in the High Court where she successfully argued the issue of designation. She was complimented by the High Court Judge on the skeleton argument she had produced for the hearing.
Naomi represented the Mother at a multi-day final hearing where the local authority had applied for a care and placement order of the parents’ child. Mother an extremely low IQ and a ‘significant learning disability’. Naomi had to be extremely vigilant during the course of Mother’s evidence to ensure that Mother was receiving a fair hearing in light of her learning disability. This case had complicated factors due to the legal aspects that were involved, due to the local authority applying for both care and placement orders and the Mother having a learning disability.
Naomi was instructed to represent the Mother at a multi-day complex hybrid finding of fact hearing. The finding of fact comprised cross-allegations of sexual abuse of the parties’ daughter, allegations of parental alienation and allegations of exposure to an intrusive and inappropriate sexual examination.
We had a fabulous night at Worcester Law Society Legal Awards, where Naomi Dean was announced as the Worcester Law Society Barrister of the Year…
No5 is delighted to announce that Jonathon Rushton, Grace Wright and Naomi Dean have been nominated and now shortlisted as a finalist for Barrister of…
We had a fabulous night at Worcester Law Society Legal Awards, where Naomi Dean was announced as the Worcester Law Society Barrister of the Year…
No5 is delighted to announce that Jonathon Rushton, Grace Wright and Naomi Dean have been nominated and now shortlisted as a finalist for Barrister of…