Krishna Holdco v Gowrie Holdings [2023]EWHC 1538 (Ch)
a shareholder fraud claim put by the claimant at £106m.
Mark Anderson KC has a wide-ranging practice covering business and property disputes of all kinds.
Mark specialises in company, partnership and insolvency disputes and in the professional negligence of lawyers and accountants, but he also has expertise in a wide range of fields including trusts, commercial property, financial services, intellectual property and competition law.
Mark sits part-time as a Judge of the High Court (Chancery Division) having been authorised by the Chancellor under section 9(1) of the Senior Courts Act 1981. His past appointments include Chair of the Midland Chancery and Commercial Bar Association and Head of No 5 Chambers.
Mark practices the following areas:
Mark has extensive advisory and trial experience in fraud cases.
Mark is frequently instructed to advise in how best to bring and defend contractual claims arising out of commercial deals. He has extensive experience in negotiating resolution of such disputes, and of representing businesses in court if negotiations cannot achieve resolution.
Mark’s no 1 specialism is in shareholder and partnership disputes. He has extensive experience of unfair prejudice petitions, expulsion and dissolution claims and fraud claims between company members and partners.
Mark has represented claimants accused of fraud in making insurance claims. His most recent such case was in 2023 and was settled, to the client’s advantage, shortly before trial.
Mark’s principal experience is of presenting claims against solicitors for negligence and other breaches of duty. These rarely go to court. Mark also has recent experience of suing insurance brokers and accountants.
a shareholder fraud claim put by the claimant at £106m.
a fraud claim to recover ownership of a hotel near Hyde Park.
discharge of worldwide freezing order for non-disclosure and want of jurisdiction.
a $3bn freezing order for international banking fraud.
Mark has a lifetime’s experience of injunctions, including recently appearing successfully for Wolverhampton City Council at all three levels (High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court) in the leading case of Wolverhampton City Council v London Gypsies and Travellers [2023] UKSC 47. Mark is also experienced in freezing orders and confidentiality injunctions in the commercial context (for example Fundo Soberano de Angola v Dos Santos [2018] EWHC 2199 (Comm) (discharge of worldwide freezing order for non-disclosure and want of jurisdiction); Republic of Angola v Perfectbit Limited (a $3bn freezing order for international banking fraud).
Mark has a long history of advising and appearing in disputes about share options, executive incentive schemes and wrongful dismissal of high-earning individuals, including enforcement of covenants.
Mark has a long history of advising and appearing in disputes wrongful dismissal of high-earning individuals, including enforcement of covenants.
Following the release of the Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners UK rankings, we are pleased to announce that No5 has once again obtained its…
Today’s landmark judgment in O’Connor v Bar Standards Board, heralds a victory for a practising barrister, Ms Portia O’Connor. Ms O’Connor is claiming damages against the Bar Standards Board (the BSB) alleging…
"Mark is brilliant for us."
"Mark is going from strength to strength."
"He is very sensible, very considered and reasonable, and focused on winning the litigation."
"Mark is a calm and clear advocate"
"A go-to counsel for large claims, he provides razor-sharp analysis and clarity in his advice."
"Razor-sharp analysis and clarity provided within his advice. Delivered with complete calmness and always finds the answers. Mark is very responsive and works very collaboratively."
"He has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the law and is devastatingly efficient as an advocate."
"Mark is very, very easy to work with. He provides clear advice and is very good with technology."
"Analytical, astute and well respected for his advocacy."
"He is personable, thorough, analytical and astute, and well respected in terms of his advocacy."
"Mark is exceptionally sharp, calm, and rational. He is able to devise very good strategies and gives clients a real reassuring presence."
"Mark has a knack for getting to the crux of a complex case quickly. He also has an ability to explain complex and nuanced issues with simplicity and clarity. He is a go-to leader for any complex, high value commercial matter"
"Very calm and measured, Mark is a very experienced and reassuring presence inspiring immediate confidence from clients. Easy to work with."
"Mark is very affable, exceptionally sharp, calm, rational, and has a real gravitas. He is able to devise very good strategies and provides clients with a really reassuring presence."
"He is a very knowledgeable, thorough and helpful barrister with excellent attention to detail."
"Very personable, very responsive, very approachable and very thorough. He provides excellent advice." "He is IT-savvy, which is an enormous help."
"He is a thinker and a serious strategist."
"He has a wonderfully reassuring manner."
"Mark’s presence in the court room, his rapport with judges, and stature as a legal heavyweight is quickly and clearly evident."
"Mark has a formidable intellect. He is clear thinking and produces work of outstanding quality."
"Mark has the invaluable ability to pick out the relevant detail, retain it and then refer to it and its location at a moment’s notice and without missing a beat."
"He has a knack of finding the angle everyone else had missed, and navigates a clear course through the most complex of cases."
"In court, every submission is deployed with just the right amount of weight and colour."
"Calm and measured in approach; he brings intelligence and gravitas to all his cases."
"Quickly distils even the most complex of cases to their fundamentals and helps navigate a clear course."
""An outstanding advocate and the man you want on your team at trial." "A vastly experienced and charming silk who leaves no stone unturned in his preparation, and is ruthless in cross-examination."
"He is a strong performer." "If he is on the other side of the case, it will be hard fought."
"Clearly very bright. I found he got to the heart of the issue very quickly."
"He is absolutely outstanding and his analysis skills are top drawer. He has a fantastic brain and cuts through to the root of the problem."
"He is a brilliant silk."
“A very safe pair of hands for a number of disputes.” “A very formidable intellect. He doesn’t take any prisoners.”
“His attention to detail is fantastic and he gets to grips with the issues very quickly. He’s great with clients; he says it how it is and does not sit on the fence.” “Extraordinarily bright.”
"“A very good operator.”
"He has a calm and measured approach.” “He’s very thorough and good at looking at a dispute from different angles. He does not gloss over matters; he is a man of great detail and can usually find a very different and unusual angle at which to deal with an issue.” “He has an impressive ability to grasp a very complex case very quickly.”
"A very accomplished advocate who ties the opposition’s witnesses in knots."
Following the release of the Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners UK rankings, we are pleased to announce that No5 has once again obtained its…
Today’s landmark judgment in O’Connor v Bar Standards Board, heralds a victory for a practising barrister, Ms Portia O’Connor. Ms O’Connor is claiming damages against the Bar Standards Board (the BSB) alleging…