Katie has an established practice in Family Finance within Birmingham and the surrounding areas. She provides advice, assistance and representation at all stages of: financial remedy proceedings, property disputes/claims relating to unmarried couples and financial provision for children.
It is appreciated, noted and respected that Katie will work until the job is finished. Her preparation is exhaustive and her eye for detail is adept. She instils confidence in her clients with her proficiency in the law, her pragmatic approach to problem solving and her grasp of the particular facts of any given case. She is recognised as an advocate who is thoroughly prepared, provides robust advocacy in court and has a keen eye for the detail which can turn a case.
Katie specialises in Family Finances and property disputes. She is a qualified Arbitrator and Mediator.
Katie practices the following areas:
Either before a union or at its conclusion, drafting is undertaken and advice given regarding the construction of documents intended to deal with the division of the assets upon dissolution or separation.
If there are contentious issues pertaining to either marriage or divorce Katie provides advice and representation.
Katie handles a variety of cases from those involving substantial assets including a multitude of businesses, properties and foreign assets to those that are premised on the needs of the parties. Appeals to reopen aged final orders have been profitably pursued; so too applications for strike out and abuse of process have been successfully sought or defended on behalf of her clients. Katie has successfully represented clients who have sought financial relief almost twenty years post decree absolute. She provides advice throughout and appears at all stages of the proceedings and consequently deals with:
Given her grounding in civil law, Katie’s assistance is welcomed by those instructing her in TLATA cases in relation to: pleadings, issues pertaining to multi-track claims and costs. She undertakes the drafting of either Claims or Defences/Counterclaims and will provide representation at all stages of the proceedings regarding the following:
In respect of concerns pertaining to domestic violence and/or occupation of a property, Katie provides advice and representation to either Applicant or Respondent in applications seeking:
Katie advises and represents clients, whether Claimant or Defendant, in proceedings relating to the following:
This is a summary of Mills v Mills Spousal Maintenance – A Meal Ticket for Life? by Katie Langdon The Supreme Court has handed down judgment in…
Link to judgment: https://www.supremecourt.uk/cases/docs/uksc-2017-0040-judgment.pdf On the 18th July, 2018, the Supreme Court determined that the Court of Appeal erred in increasing Ms Mills’ (hereafter ‘W’) periodical payments…
Before coming to the Bar Katie worked in accounting and dealt also with contractual and employment disputes. She ran her own businesses and worked also for BUPA Legal dealing with a multitude of corporate issues: confidentiality; contractual clauses/breach and inquests. At the other end of the spectrum Katie was employed by the CAB to represent Claimants at Employment and Social Security Tribunals. She sat also as an appointed governor at the local upper school on the Finance and Resource Committee.
At the Bar, before specialising in Family Finance, Katie practiced general civil law, Employment and Professional Regulation. She successfully represented Claimants and Respondents in all types of employment disputes including multi-day discrimination claims and at the Employment Appeals Tribunal.
In her Professional Regulatory practice Katie conducted multi-day disciplinary hearings involving the most serious allegations of physical and sexual misconduct. She also represented the Executive Principal of Park View Academy Trust in the disciplinary proceedings which ran over two years and were known colloquially and within the press as the ‘Trojan Horse Case’.
Those proceedings ran for over two years and involved: 16 weeks of trial time, 26 witnesses, interventions from the House of Commons Speaker’s Office, Birmingham City Council and two Unions – regarding privilege, privacy and confidentially of witnesses respectively – numerous ancillary applications and hearings. As a result of further disclosure and Katie’s requests for explanations in respect of the same, the case was discontinued against all five senior teachers in that hearing but also all other teachers being prosecuted in the Trojan Horse Case.
Katie now specialises in Family Finances and utilises all of her previous experience within her practice.
This is a summary of Mills v Mills Spousal Maintenance – A Meal Ticket for Life? by Katie Langdon The Supreme Court has handed down judgment in…
Link to judgment: https://www.supremecourt.uk/cases/docs/uksc-2017-0040-judgment.pdf On the 18th July, 2018, the Supreme Court determined that the Court of Appeal erred in increasing Ms Mills’ (hereafter ‘W’) periodical payments…