No5 Barristers' Chambers - Excellence is at the heart of everything we do.

Joanna Chadwick

Call: 1988

Joanna Chadwick specialises in Family Law and has extensive experience in many areas.

Joanna undertakes Direct Access work.



Joanna specialises in Family Law. She has experience in the following areas:

Children Act applications, both public and private Law, including care and supervision proceedings, adoption, wardship, secure accommodation applications, child abduction, residence and contact disputes, Child abduction and international movement of children, Financial provision for children, Divorce and Nullity proceedings, all forms of ancillary relief and all forms of money claims including disputes between cohabitants and Schedule 1 Children Act 1989 applications. under Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996, Financial provision on death, disputes between cohabitees and unmarried couples, Injunctions and domestic violence.

Notable Family Cases

Wilcox v Tait [2006] EWCA Civ 1867

Re G (Secure Accommodation Order) [2001] 1FLR 884

  • Wilcox v Tait [2006] EWCA Civ 1867
  • Re G (Secure Accommodation Order) [2001] 1FLR 884
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Clerk Team

Adam Wadley

Practice Director, Family

07780 453079

Clare Radburn

Practice Director, Family, Clinical Negligence and Personal Injury

07809 407950

Monica Hussain

Family Clerk and Admin Assistant

Paul Sams

Family Clerk (Consultant)

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