Clive Newberry KC has a specialist planning and environmental practice, which embraces major infrastructure works (including Transport and Works orders), highways, housing (particularly where design is involved), listed buildings, equestrian development (for leading racing and eventing stable) and retail.
He represents some of the world’s finest restaurants on both planning and licensing. Strategic advisory work for major developments is also one of his specialisms.
Parliamentary Law and Transport and Works Act
Clive is a member of the Parliamentary Bar Mess and has appeared before Parliamentary Committee objecting on behalf of land owners.
Examples include:
On behalf of an internationally acclaimed recording studio re the impact of vibration on recording associated with Crossrail. Achieving a high standard of mitigation to enable studios to continue and avoid relocation, On behalf of an hotel in a Grade 1 listed building to enable 5 star status being retained – Crossrail.
Clive has undertaken many significant infrastructure projects under the Transport and Works Act. These include:
A number of Dockland Light Rail extensions and associated compulsory purchase orders, A guided busway through part Green Belt in the Midlands, A flood alleviation scheme involving compulsory purchase of substantial areas of the agricultural land and the right to flood the highway, Opposing major London river crossing.
Health and Safety
Clive advises waste clients on health and safety matters, mandatory risk analysis and setting up compliant safety systems.
Notable Planning Cases
Successfully resisting an Enforcement Notice for the demolition of a newly constructed mansion house on Wentworth and obtaining the necessary permission, Achieving permission for hotel extension in Windsor Great Park – Green Belt, Hotel extensions in Mayfair. Overcoming significant local objections, Securing permission for acclaimed three day eventing trainer for new stables in the countryside together with extensive residential accommodation for trainers and riders, Acting for owners of a listed house in a major London Square against proposals for residential development in adjoining rear garden, Major housing development in Sussex involving listed buildings, Conservation Areas on a problematic constrained site, Motorway Service Area, recently in Yorkshire, and nationwide, Modern office development in Kingston. A highly constrained site where an exceptional design scheme won the day, Modern residential development in a Conservation Area in Kingston. A fine design overcame Conservation Area and the other planning objections, New hotel in Hammersmith on the site of a legendary Rolls Royce garage, New classical residential development on Richmond Hill, Major modern office development close to Tower Bridge, Resisting the ‘Carbuncle’ on behalf of Westminster City Council, Obtaining footpath diversion order and construction of new bridge to facilitate further extraction of minerals for a major cement manufacturer, Acting for a Formula 1 racing team and successfully obtaining permission for a test track, Part of the planning team which helped to establish the Goodwood Festival of Speed, Extensive experience with volume house building throughout the UK and Ireland.
Acting for a nationally known chemist chain both in England and Ireland, Acting for a town retail chain in its successful campaign against out of centre retail development, Acting for clients on major regional shopping inquiries.