Michael Duck KC and Matthew Brook KC [in his last junior brief] have successfully prosecuted 2 men for the murder of footballer Cody Fisher. Defendant Remy Gordon was bumped into by Cody Fisher at a Solihull nightclub on Christmas Eve 2022. Social media messages sent by Gordon shortly after this minor incident showed that he was looking for revenge against Cody, including a message that he wanted to “shank” [stab] Cody.

On Boxing Day 2022 Gordon and the second Defendant Kami Carpenter went to the Crane Nightclub in Digbeth. Before going to the club, the pair discussed getting a knife and face coverings into the venue. Later that evening, the pair approached Cody Fisher on the dancefloor of the Crane. Carpenter stabbed Cody Fisher to the heart, killing him. Whilst Cody Fisher lay on the floor, .7.77he was kicked by Gordon. The Defendants fled the nightclub. Later that night, Gordon was captured on CCTV laughingly re-enacting his part in the fatal attack. Following a 10-week trial, involving the presentation of complex CCTV, social media and eyewitness evidence, both Gordon and Carpenter were convicted of murder. They were both sentenced to life imprisonment, with minimum terms of 26 and 25 years.

The case has been widely reported in the national media, including a BBC documentary as part of “The Big Cases” series.

