No5 is delighted to announce that Louise Corfield has qualified as an accredited mediator. Having already being recognised by the directories as incredibly studious whilst having a commercially-minded and practical approach, Louise will also add 12 years of experience litigating in the High Court/Business and Property Courts to her mediation approach. She is particularly experienced in 1975 Inheritance Act claims, contentious probate claims such as those involving the disputed validity of wills, claims seeking orders in the administration of trusts and estates (including for the removal of executors and trustees) and TOLATA claims (whether they arise within or outside of estate disputes).

Deputy Head of Chambers David Mitchell commented “It’s great that Louise is now a qualified mediator, having watched her develop a strong Inheritance Disputes, Wills, Trusts and Estates practice over the last 12 years another string to her bow will benefit not just the Business & Property group but Chambers as a whole”.

Upon hearing the news the comment from a Leading Law Firm specialising in contentious probate disputes was “Louise has a great way of drilling down to the pivotal issues and is great with the clients in mediation in terms of managing them and their expectations so they can achieve settlement”.