On 13th October, following a 7-day trial before His Honour Judge Cooke at Warwick Crown Court, nurse Catalina Ferchiu was convicted of wilfully neglecting 87-year-old resident care home resident, Rachel Smith.

Catalina Ferchiu is the first person in Warwickshire to be convicted of ‘wilful neglect’ following Rachel Smith’s death and the first nurse so highly qualified to be prosecuted for this offence.

Mrs Smith had suffered a stroke in October 2015, losing the ability to speak, communicate, and was- as the jury heard- totally dependent on others.

Catalina Ferchiu had been responsible for Mrs Smith’s care overnight and failed to seek medical attention when it was most needed.  

The case was prosecuted by Peter Grieves-Smith of the Crown Prosecution Service and Chloe Ashley.

Catalina Ferchiu will be sentenced in due course. 

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