From No5 Barristers’ Chambers, in the Planning Podcast, Richard Kimblin QC is joined by Jack Smyth and Hashi Mohamed, planning and environmental barristers at No5. They consider Covid consequences: timescales for planning litigation, social distancing for the courts. The Planning Podcast asks what happens if a scheme finds itself quarantined in the Court of Appeal – what happens when your study becomes a court room – and what is a house – yes, really – what is a house?

You can find the materials: if you subscribe to Westlaw, the paper in the Journal of Planning and Environmental Law may be found via the link “Slow, slow, quick, quick, slow: pace and prospects for planning cases in the Court of Appeal” [2020] JPL 5, 470-483, and; the judgment on sub-division and §79 of the Framework is R (oao) Wiltshire Council v Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government and Mr Howse [2020] EWHC 954 to be found on Westlaw, or Bailii.