Dear all,
First and foremost, we hope all of you, your families and colleagues are well.
Since the decision was taken to effectively suspend attendance at the criminal courts, systems are now coming into place that will allow as much work as possible to carry on using remote video or telephone links and keep the courts as “open” as possible.
No5 itself has adopted remote working, a staff presence remains in all our offices, so delivery of hard-copy material is still possible but with the benefit of the digital case system, we have bene able to adapt with perhaps greater ease than others. Members of the Criminal Group have been instrumental in organising the mechanics of moving to remote working and this can be expected to continue as new platforms are introduced. We will continue to publicise developments over the coming weeks.
We are determined that it remains business as usual, within the current constraints. Lists will continue to be managed as before and counsel equipped to appear by whatever remote appearance is called for.
Chambers can assist all our clients to arrange video and telephone conferences, including into prisons.
In order to streamline contact with the clerks, we would encourage contact by email at though in cases of urgency, please use the direct contact details below
Andrew Trotter – Practice Director, Crime & Regulatory
T: 0121 606 5902
M: 07971 673428
Craig Nicholls – Criminal Clerk
T: 0121 606 5981
M: 07909 912004
Meredith Marshall – Criminal Clerk
T: 0121 606 5947
M: 0795 175 5241
We are very keen to maintain an open dialogue with all our clients so if any issues arise, or we can assist you in any way, please feel free to email the Head and Deputy Head of the group directly.
Best wishes to all of you.
Mark Heywood QC
Head of Criminal Group
Michelle Heeley QC
Deputy Head of Criminal Group