On 24th March 2020 we implemented stage two of our Covid-19 strategy which means that from this point on the majority of our staff across all departments are working from home with only a very limited number of staff remaining on the premises at each of our four offices. We will be scaling back on those limited numbers too over the coming days once the final elements of the logistics are put in place.

One of those elements is informing you our clients that where possible it is preferable to receive instructions electronically. Whilst there will be intermittent checks on post, we are encouraging all clients not to send instructions via post to chambers. If you need to get hard copy papers to chambers then I would encourage you to either contact me directly by email or on the number below, or to make direct contact with the relevant clerking team.

I am happy to report that every department will remain open throughout this period and that every department has been robustly tested as to its capability to operate on the basis of business as usual and we are ready to assist you in any way you need. This of course extends not just to the administrative support we provide you but also the access you seek to the Barristers at No5 across all sectors of our business. You will be hearing further directly from those groups over the coming days and weeks but the key message is that you can continue to connect with chambers and the clerking teams via the telephones, emails and mobiles in the same way as you have always done.

We thank you for your continued support and remind you that our business hours remain as they always have even before this national emergency, available 24/7 365 days a year.

Tony McDaid
CEO and Director of Clerking
No5 Barristers’ Chambers

07774 298047
Birmingham | London | Bristol | Leicester