No5 Barristers’ Chambers Planning Group is hosting its flagship conference on Monday, March 30, at The ICC in Birmingham. The event, which is expected to attract 300 delegates, will focus on some of the core issues regarding planning law and practice, and aims to provide essential updates for planning professionals.
Subjects to be discussed during the seminar are a panel debate on the Raynsford Review, Local Plans, Housing Land Supply, the future of the Green Belt, the Rosewell Review, how planning will be effected by the divorce from the EU, how to manage development affected by nitrates and a case law update.
Over the coming weeks we will provide an insight as to what each talk will cover.
The first talk will be a panel discussion about the Raynsford Review, presented by Peter Goatley and Jack Smyth.
It will be an interactive session which will give delegates the opportunity to stand back and carefully examine how the planning system is meeting its key objective of building enough homes for a growing population.
Jack Smyth said: “We will discuss how realistic the Government’s target of 300,000 new homes per year within the next five years really is. We will also discuss by what means this ambitious target can be met and whether it inevitably will require a significant council house building programme.
“During the discussion, we will address whether there is an inherent trade-off between quantity and quality and whether the minimum space standards are a ‘brake’ on meeting the target. We will also consider what contribution a relaxation and extension of permitted development rights can play. It promises to be a very thought-provoking session.”