David Mason QC from No5 Barristers’ Chambers acted for the prosecution in the case of Ricky Walker who was convicted of the 2016 manslaughter of his six-month-old son Kayden.

Walker, 27, of Walnut Close, Bilston, was convicted of manslaughter but cleared of murder and child cruelty after a month-long trial at Birmingham Crown Court. He was jailed for six years.

Kayden went into cardiac arrest at his home and was pronounced dead approximately one hour after the defendant had dialled 999 on June 12, 2016. Walker told jurors he believed a folded-up hoodie he used to “prop-feed” the infant may have suffocated him.

Kayden’s mother, Laura Davies, 25, was found guilty of allowing her son’s death. She will be sentenced at a later date.

Opening the case for the Crown Mr Mason said that Walker had previously joked about how long it would take his son to suffocate when a hoodie covered his face.

He also highlighted medical evidence which showed that just before Kayden’s collapse and the call to the emergency services, he was almost certainly the victim of an episode of forceful shaking, involving an impact to the head.

Mr Mason added that the medical evidence would show a “triad” of findings pointing towards a shaking episode, which included the restriction of blood flow to the brain.

He added that there were allegations Kayden was subjected to cruelty several weeks before his death which had led to a head injury.

Explaining why Davies, who was not present when Kayden collapsed, had been charged with allowing death, Mr Mason told the court: “Our case is that there had been an earlier incident of trauma to Kayden and both his mother and father would have been aware of it.

“We can and do suggest that she should have been aware that there was a risk to Kayden and failed to take reasonable steps to protect him.”

 To read more about this case visit: www.expressandstar.com/news/crime/2018/08/02/baby-killer-ricky-walker-jailed-for-six-years-over-death-of-six-month-old-son/

David Mason QC is a member of the Criminal Law Group at No5 Barristers’ Chambers. To view his profile please visit: www.no5.com/barristers/barrister-cvs/david-mason-qc–crime-cv/