National Training Conference on Investigating Miscarriages of Justice 2018 – The School of Law at the University of Manchester

On Friday 16 and Saturday 17 February 2018 the University of Manchester hosts the 2018 National Training Conference for students involved in pro bono innocence projects; Miscarriages of Justice Review Centres; and independent case investigators.

Leading lawyers will come together to discuss how to take forward the campaign to eradicate or redress miscarriages of justice. The Conference gives a unique opportunity to hear and meet some of the UK’s leading experts who can help those involved in the search to find out what might have gone wrong in police investigations and prosecutions, and what evidence can be found to support claims of innocence.

The Criminal Cases Review Commission will explain in detail how it carries out its work and lead workshops for participants. Many academic and practitioner experts have been asked to give presentations and lead discussions, and Philip has been asked to lend his expertise to this event.

The chaotic state of the disclosure system, responsible for many wrongful convictions because evidence gathered by the police which would help suspects is not passed on to them, will be explored through recent high profile cases, including those of Philip’s client Danny Kay, whose rape conviction was recently overturned. His barrister for the appeal was Philip Rule.

Details of that case have been widely publicised, and can be read at : 

More information is available about the event, and tickets may be booked here.