Thursday 8 February, 1:30PM-4:30PM
No5 Barristers’ Chambers, 4-7 Salisbury Court, London EC47 8AA
Topics and Speakers
Delivered by Jennifer Blair who specialises in women’s rights and cases involving vulnerable clients, and Tara Topteagarden, Trafficked Children’s Adviser at the Refugee Council, this seminar will cover:
• Defining victims of human trafficking and thresholds for positive identifications;
• The National Referral Mechanism;
• Key immigration implications of being identified as a victim of trafficking, including kinds of application and raising trafficking in appeals and judicial review;
• Child and adult case studies;
• Working with survivors in light of specific vulnerabilities, including mental health and detention;
• The practicalities of working in this area, including funding for legal aid.
This training is aimed at legal advisers, voluntary sector workers and social workers and is aimed at those with a moderate level of experience of working with forced migrants and trafficking survivors. However, it will begin with the definitions of trafficking and so is also suitable for those with a basic knowledge of the subject material.
To book your place, please visit:
If you wish to speak to Jennifer’s clerk about this event or anything else, please contact Mark Byrne.
Training costs £65 for solicitors/legal advisers in private practice/paid staff working at charities with turnover of over £500k/year and social workers.
£35 for staff at charitable or community organisations with turnover of less than £500k/year and volunteers.
If the cost is a problem and you want to attend please email to discuss whether a bursary can be made available.