Another Neighbour Development Plan that Tim Jones examined, the Barford Neighbourhood Plan, has been approved by a referendum. 485 (45.2%) of the voters of the parish cast their votes in the referendum, which took place on 6th October. 469 (96.7%) voted in favour of approving the plan and 16 (3.3%) against it. The referendum question was: “Do you want Warwick District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Barford to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
Click here to view the relevant webpage of Warwick District Council.
Tim Jones is part of the Planning and Environmental Group at No5 Chambers. Click here to view Tim’s Planning and Environmental profile. He is a NPIERS trained and approved Neighbourhood Planning Examiner. NPIERS, the Neighbourhood Planning Independent Examiner Referral Service, was established at the request of the Department of Communities and Local Government and is administered by the RICS.