No5’s Philip Rule is delivering a talk to the Adriatic Conference, Croatia, about the principle of lex mitior and its place in the common law world

The internationally recognised rule of law of “lex mitior” ensures that where there are differences between the penalty in force at the time of the commission of the offence, and that subsequently enacted before the final judgment is rendered, it requires the application of the law whose provisions are more favourable to the defendant.

The conference is held from 17th to 22nd September 2016 on the island of Hvar, Croatia. It attracts lawyers from both the UK and Australia, as well as other common law jurisdictions.

Philip is speaking on 18th September.

For full details of the conference and to make a booking please visit

Philip has pursued a criminal appeal before the UK courts that awaits determination by the Supreme Court. It is the first case of its kind in the UK.

The recording of the proceedings before the Court, in R v Docherty (UKSC case 2014/0207) is available online here:

No5 Chambers’ international human rights barrister Philip Rule addressed the Court during the afternoon session.