Two former social workers, who ran a Coventry children’s home in the 1980’s, have been jailed.

The jury at Warwick Crown Court found both Kenneth Owen and Alan Todd guilty of physically and psychologically abusing children at the now demolished Wisteria Lodge, in Earlsdon.

Todd, who has been jailed for eight year and eight months, was convicted of indecently assaulting two girls and five charges of cruelty towards four girls and one boy.

Owen, who has been jailed for four years and two months, was found guilty of five charges of cruelty in relation to two girls and three boys.

Mark Heywood QC, prosecuting in this case, explained: “The nature of the abuse the prosecution say this case concerns falls into three categories.

“Children were bullied and subjected to humiliating, frightening treatment which fell short of physical violence.

“Secondly, there were occasions when children were deliberately physically assaulted; and thirdly there were occasions when female children were sexually abused.”

A spokesman for the NSPCC said:  “These two men used the trust and authority their jobs gave them to carry out this campaign of cruelty on vulnerable children.

“It is deeply concerning that this went on for so long, but we hope the sentences imposed today send out a clear message that these appalling acts will not be tolerated. Hopefully this case will also encourage other victims of abuse to come forward in the knowledge that action will be taken.”

Click here to read the full article written by the BBC and Coventry Telegraph. To read more about this case click here for the Lincolnshire Echo.

Mark Heywood QC is part of the Crime Group at No5 Chambers. Click here to view Mark Heywood QC’s profile.