Ben Needham was born on 29 October 1989 at 11:06am. 21 months later he was abducted whilst playing outside a farmhouse his grandfather was renovating in the village of Irakles, Kos. Today, whilst he still missing, those acting for Ben’s family mark his 26th birthday yesterday. 

For the last eleven months, Ian Brownhill of No5 Chambers has acted as the Needham family’s legal advisor on a pro bono basis. In those eleven months the Government has agreed to fund a renewed investigation into Ben’s disappearance to the sum of £700,000. Yesterday, Detective Inspector Jon Cousins of South Yorkshire Police announced that the renewed inquiry into Ben’s disappearance had progressed further than expected. 

Yesterday Ian appealed on behalf of the family for any other professionals who might be able to help the Needham family to come forward and volunteer their time, or to alternatively donate to the ‘Help Find Ben’ fund. Aside from the police officers, all those involved in the ‘Help Find Ben’ campaign are unpaid volunteers. Ian sent his best wishes to Ben’s mother Kerry Needham yesterday morning and will continue to support her and her family in the New Year. Ian said, “it is a real delight to support the Needham family, I know there are other professionals too who could help, the reward will be the small part we have played when eventually Ben is found.”

Nageena Khalique QC, Head of No5 Chambers Public Law Group, says “No5 Chambers continues to support this case through the relentless efforts of Ian Brownhill. These recent developments are a significant advance in the investigation into Ben’s disappearance.” Nageena Khalique QC responds to the call for help and will volunteer her time pro bono. 

Click here to view Ian Brownhill’s profile.

Click here to view Nageena Khalique QC’s profile.