A planning application for 60 new homes in Haslington, Crewe, has been granted on appeal.
Cheshire East Council originally refused the application for outline permission at Kents Green Lane in March 2014, but this week the decision was overturned.
The appeal was brought by Renew Land Developments Ltd with the help of planning expert Jeremy Cahill QC, a barrister with No5 Chambers and head of its Planning and Environmental Law Group.
Mr Cahill said: “Critical to the success of the appeal was that the local authority did not and could not demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing land, contrary to national policy on sustainable development.
“We are pleased to have acted for Renew Land Developments in a case that will ultimately deliver much needed new homes to the people of Haslington and surrounding areas.”
The appeal decision was handed down by an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on Monday. Outline planning permission was granted for the development of up to 60 dwellings with associated car parking, roads and landscaped open space.
A Section 106 was also discussed for affordable housing on the site with a contribution towards education provision, the implementation of bus stop improvements, and the provision and management of on-site open space.
Award winning No5 is the UK’s premier set of barristers’ chambers with offices in Birmingham, London, Bristol and East Midlands and boasts more than 240 barristers and 28 silks.
Jeremy Cahill QC was voted top residential silk in the country in a recent national poll.