Michael Duck QC, member of No5 Chambers Crime Group, has recently defended Alan Hagan, 48, Liverpool, who denied misconduct in a public office following his dealings with News of the World Reporter Lucy Panton, whilst he was working at Ashworth Hospital, where Ian Brady, who was convicted of murdering 5 children in 1966, has been for 30 years.

The court heard that Hagan was paid £1,000 for a story in 2008, headlined “Suicide Brady hid pills in his sock”. He also smuggled a camera in and took photographs of Brady, however the pictures were not good enough quality and were never published.

Michael Duck QC said Hagan was a man of “positive good character” who had not instigated the plan to get pictures of Brady or actively sought payment.

Judge Mark Lucraft QC rejected a call for a suspended sentence. Hagan has been sentenced to 20 months in prison.

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