No5 Chambers launched its Inquests, Public Inquiries and Coronial Law group by holding a prestigious seminar in Birmingham on 23 April 2015 with the Chief Coroner of England and Wales delivering a keynote speech.

The new group draws together barristers with extensive experience in all fields of coronial law further information can be found on the Inquests, Public Inquires and Coronial Law webpage.

The seminar was aimed at all types of inquest practitioners who can now identify suitable counsel to deal with their specific inquest whether the death relates to clinical negligence, prison or police custody, military incidents, accident, HSE and child deaths, and all manner of Article 2 inquests. The group also offers considerable expertise in public inquires, including most recently the Hillsborough disaster.

The seminar was well attended with over 70 delegates and the attendance of several senior and assistant coroners from across the country including Mr Nigel Meadows, Senior Coroner for Manchester City, Caroline Sumeray (from No5), Senior Coroner for the Isle of Wight (both of whom sat on the panel debate and successfully answered a flurry of penetrating questions from the audience) and Dr Simon Fox (from No5) who gave a talk on healthcare inquests and also sits as a Coroner in Avon.

Other speakers from No5 Chambers included Nageena Khalique QC, Head of the Inquests, Public Inquiries and Coronial Law group, who chaired the event and lectured on disclosure, exceptional funding for Article 2 inquests and Deprivation of Liberty. Richard Grimshaw delivered a talk on topical issues including costs, narrative and other conclusions.

Adrian Keeling QC gave an enlightened talk about deaths in custody and military inquests, an area of significant growth in recent years.

Alex Stein, delivered an insightful lecture on Corporate Manslaughter, HSE and Police Evidence and an update on Hillsborough where he has been instructed on behalf of the Fire Service for the past year.

Finally, Ian Bridge provided a detailed exposition on the prevention of future deaths process and post inquest remedies.

In his address, the Chief Coroner congratulated No5 on the event and commended inquest lawyers committed to providing support and representation in the circumstances of an often tragic and unexpected death. It was a salient reminder that coronial law requires not only diligence, fortitude and technical knowledge, but a respectful and sensitive approach which No5 can without question provide.

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