Moore Blatch, together with The Child Brain Injury Trust and Action Cerebral Palsy, are organising a one day, informative conference exploring the implications of the changes brought about by the Children and Families Act 2014, and the impact of these changes on those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
The conference will be held from 08:45 – 16:30 on Monday 24th November at The Royal Society of Medicine in London.  Attendees will receive 5 CPD points, and all profits from the event will be donated to The Child Brain Injury Trust and Action Cerebral Palsy.

This seminar is of particular importance to any personal injury or clinical negligence lawyer who is acting for a child or young person between the ages of 0-25 years with special education needs and disability, as they will need to have a clear understanding of the implications of this significant legislative change and wide ranging reforms and understand how they will directly impact upon their clients. Spekers at the event include:

  • Dr Maggie Atkinson, Children’s Commissioner for England
  • A representative from the Department of Education
  • Paul Greatorex, Barrister
  • Jean Haigh on behalf of SE7
  • Liz Flaherty, Hampshire County Council
  • Amanda Allard, Assistant Director, Council for Disabled Children
  • Sue North, parent of child with Special Educational Needs
  • Malcolm Reeve, Executive Director SEND
  • Nicola Gitsham, Programme Manager, Preparing for Adulthood
  • Leena Hurloll, Moore Blatch, Education Law Specialist
No5 Chambers are pleased to be attending the event as exhibitors. 
For further information about the event and to book a place, please visit the dedicated website page here