Major changes to how children and young people with brain injury are supported and cared for are due to come into effect, such as the Children and Families bill, welfare reforms and the implementation of the Jackson Report. This conference aims to address the problems and uncertainties families might face inn the future. The event is taking place on Wednesday 26th March and is moving to the Etihad Stadium in Manchester for the first time this year to coincide with the launch of the charity’s most recent direct support project in the North West. 

The key questions the conference hopes to address are:

What does the new era look like for families affected by ABI?

• What challenges and solutions are there for families?

• How can professionals provide excellence under the constraints of the deficit?

• What can families expect?

• Who is actually responsible for the care, health and education of children affected by brain injury? 

No5 will be exhibiting at the conference and Satinder Hunjan QC will be appearing as a guest speaker talking on the Jackson Reforms and Legal Aid.

For more information or if you would like to attend the event please go to