A North Wales business man found himself facing 8 separate allegations of fraud on his company which at the time was indebted to the Natwest Bank. Although the business was solvent it was referred to the now notorious RBS GRG (global restructuring group) who insisted on the appointment of a consultant. The consultant ended up acquiring the business for nothing before selling it for almost £1 million. He reported the original owner to police and pressed hard for his prosecution. He was arrested and charged. On being handed disclosure provided following the issue of witness summons against liquidators, accountants and RBS the CPS offered no evidence. They could not rely upon the evidence of the bank appointed consultant as being truthful.

The Lawrence Tomlinson report into the activities of RBS GRG is now available on line http://tomlinsonreport.com/

Ian is a specialist fraud practitioner recommended in Chambers and Partners – http://www.chambersandpartners.com/Person/227667/14.

If you or your business has been adversely effected by the activities of RBS GRG he may be able to assist and can be contacted direct on 07850 564324 or on email ib@no5.com.

Please click here to view Ian Bridge‘s profile.