The recent Operation Segmen trial, prosecuted by No5 Chambers’ Adrian Keeling QC and Michelle Heeley for SOCA, has appeared as a Case Study in the Government’s latest strategy paper on Organised Crime.
“Case Study A” on Page 17 reads as follows:
“In July 2010, Tariq Dad and three associates 
were sentenced for conspiracy to supply 
cocaine. Dad has a long history of organised 
crime including heroin trafficking, money 
laundering, fraud and blackmail, despite lengthy 
prison sentences. A systematic programme of 
disruption by the Serious and Organised Crime 
Agency (SOCA) in conjunction with Avon and 
Somerset Police progressively damaged his 
reputation amongst criminals and undermined 
his capacity to stay in business. As his influence 
deteriorated and his debts mounted, he made 
an attempt to dominate the regional crack 
cocaine market and had to take a more handson role. 
Evidence was obtained to charge him 
with conspiracy to supply cocaine. Every link in 
Dad’s drug distribution chain was attacked and 
dismantled – from street dealers to suppliers in 
London and Turkey. So far, sentences totalling 
over 180 years have been handed out to 20 
people as a result of operations by SOCA and 
its partners linked to this investigation.”
To read the full paper entitled “Local to Global: Reducing the Risk from Organised Crime”, please click here.
For information on Adrian Keeling QC and Michelle Heeley, click here or here to view their profiles.