A BABY girl was killed by her “stressed” uncle after she was left in his care by her mother, a court heard.

Jason Roberts lost his temper, violently shook four-month-old Aalihya Jordan-Fellows and threw her into her cot, where she hit her head on side railings, Birmingham Crown Court was told.

Christopher Hotten QC, prosecuting, said the mite was found to have a catalogue of series injuries, including a fractured skull.

“Her life had been brief and her death violent,” he said.

“It became immediately apparent to those treating her that she had suffered serious physical injuries.”

Roberts, 24, of Offmore Road, Bartley Green, has admitted the baby’s manslaughter but denies her murder.

Aalihya’s mother, Bobbiellen Jordan, has previously admitted a charge of child cruelty. Her boyfriend, James Nicholls, 22, of Yaringale Road, Kings Heath, has denied the same offence.

Mr Hotten said Nicholls moved into Jordan’s home in Kinlet Avenue, West Heath, after her relationship with Aalihya’s father, Dean Fellows, broke down in November 2008.

He said there was a “dramatic change” in the household with loud music being played into the early hours, cannabis being smoked and large quantities of alcohol being drunk.

He said Roberts became a regular visitor and Jordan and Nicholls neglected Aalihya, who was not fed and changed regularly.

Mr Hotten said the property was sometimes inadequately heated with Aalihya allowed to become cold and, on one occasion, Jordan left her home for three days leaving her sister to babysit.

He said Roberts was left to look after Aalihya in the early hours of December 29, 2008, when Nicholls and Jordan went to hospital after Nicholls complained of a chest pain.

He later made a 999 call with paramedics arriving to discover the baby lifeless in a bedroom, the court heard.

Mr Hotten said Roberts made a statement admitting becoming stressed when she would not stop crying and shaking and throwing her.

He said: “We say the extent of her injuries, the force required to cause them, demonstrate when he caused them he intended serious injury.

“He lost his temper but he knew what he was doing.” (Proceeding)