(APP/R1038/A/09/2107667 and APP/P1045/A/09/2108037)
A proposed large scale wind farm north of Matlock in Derbyshire and close to the Peak District National Park was refused planning permission following an inquiry into two appeals lodged by Derbyshire Wind Energy and supported by the Matlock Moor Wind Farm Support Group, a third party. The inspector, Ruth V MacKenzie, gave significant weight to the contribution that the wind farm would make towards regional and national renewable energy targets. However she accepted arguments raised by the local planning authorities, North East Derbyshire District Council and Derbyshire Dales District Council (represented by Tim Jones of No5 Chambers) and also accepted the arguments put forward by the third party residents’ group AMP (represented by Tim Sheppard of No5 Chambers).
The Inspector held:
• That the proposal would cause unacceptable harm to the landscape;
• Unacceptable harm would be caused to the National Park’s special qualities;
• Moderate harm would be caused to three registered parks and gardens, two listed buildings and one conservation area;
• There was a possibility of significant adverse effect on rare birds;
• Unacceptable harm would be caused to the living conditions at several local properties by reason of noise and visual impact and there was a possibility of harm to living conditions in the Amber Valley due to noise.
After carrying out the necessary balancing exercise the inspector concluded that the wind farm was unacceptable. A news report of the decision is at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/derbyshire/8640777.stm.
Click to view profiles of Tim Jones and Tim Sheppard.